Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

4 Step Strategies to Teach English a Children

"4 Step Strategies to Teach English a Children"
An easy way to learn English - English for kids is one thing that is very important and a foundation controlled by the language of the future . Not surprisingly , parents today are very eager to provide English language education to children should be able to cas cis cus in English .

For those of you who want to provide English language instruction for children . We recommend 4 surefire steps below in order to get success . Do not worry , because this step can also be used both for the English teacher , parent , or a brother . Okay , we immediately see and practice the steps one by one .

1. Preparing English language materials for children

Today, what would you teach children ? Are pronouns , tenses , the basics of speaking , or only limited vocabulary ? By setting goals , then please you create material to achieve a capability that has been set from the beginning . Instead, give camouflage material moves so that children are able to achieve the goal , but he did not feel learning English . Also , give the material with little capacity then focus .

As an example , we will teach a child to master the material pronoun . We make a camouflage material with a song that contained elements of pronoun . Children were asked to listen to the song , then get the point , and little by little memorization pronoun through song .

How it will be better than we came into the class by saying that today's learning pronoun , then gave a note to the child . Of course , the child will get bored and do not even know what that pronoun when the teacher explains earnestly .

2. The selection method of learning English for children

After preparing the materials , you also have to prepare for the child's English language method . We have several articles on the English method is a method of silent way and the audio lingual method. If you are interested , then try either of the two methods .

Preparing materials and teaching outline the bow alone is not enough . You are advised to match with the principle of a method . Your material is applied roughly matched using what method? Question it yourself , and start using the techniques and methods that most fit with the material prepared .

For example , we have matching principle pronoun material above the audio lingual method. So , in detail we use the principle of existing audio- lingual method. But because of technical conversation feels like a dull audio lingual method , we switched to using English songs .

3. Build attachment or engagement in teaching

You never see a teacher teaching English tubs frustration for the child ? she was confused because her children fuss , no attention , and the class becomes chaotic . Below there are several stages to build an emotional attachment to the child .

The first stage , make yourself into a cheerful and gentle teacher . Children will feel the affection if you behave that way . On the first day of teaching , you probably will not find it difficult because children tend to be submissive . But in the days that followed , began to look how the nature of each child .

The second stage , children learn the nature and know how to conquer it . For example , if a bit whiny child , then make it move away from his friends fairly naughty . Also , do not give her words are loud enough because it can disturb the psychological .

The third stage , do not be rude to the kids . If you are rude to the children , then they will not like you . Be strict teacher , spoke softly but children understand that you 're angry .

In general , the key to teaching a child to be patient . Without patience , you are just being a grumpy teacher and eventually hated by children .
4. Evaluation of learning

After teaching and build attachment to the child , now it's your turn to evaluate . Ask them what they have learned and re- test their knowledge . shut your class very well and make sure the child gets teaching points today .

Hopefully 4 tips teach English to children above can help and inspire teachers , parents , and brother of Indonesian children .

source : http://www.caramudahbelajarbahasainggris.net/2013/04/4-Langkah-Jitu-Mengajar-Bahasa-Inggris-Untuk-Anak.html